Thanks for showing that we’re all in this together!
- 82%
Founders: $180,000+

Stacey & Bobby Selkin - Center Dedication

Lori & Eric Sklut - Friendship Loft Dedication
Builders ~ $50,000+
- Janice and Dave Cantor
- Aleen and David Epstein
- Caren and Charlie Gale
- Hearst Foundation
- Susan and Eric Lerner
- The Leon Levine Foundation
- Gwen and Andrew Lindner
- Dena and Michael Raffler
- Leslie and Ed Rusgo
- Foundation for the Carolinas Longleaf Fund
Visionaries ~ $25,000+
- Channa and Yaakov Foster
- Stacy and Todd Gorelick
- Elise and Jaime Kosofsky
- Richard Osborne
- Benjamin Schwartz
- Fred O.B.M. and Lisa Shporer
Patrons ~ $10,000+
- Bella and David Adler
- Bleema and William Bershad
- Lynn and Paul Edelstein
- Ellen and Steve Engelhardt
- Layim and Jeswant Gill
- Sherri and Stuart Goldstein
- Holly and Hal Levinson
- Adina and Josh Loewensteiner
- Adriana den Blanken and Mitch Marcus
- Meromim Foundation
- Shoshana Michel
- Morris B. Squire Foundation
- Lauren and Tzvi Nussbaum
- Arturo Obando
- Geoff Wexler
- Lauren and Frank Wiseman
Supporters ~ $5,000+
- Nathan and Kelly Forb
- Joseph and Kathy Gurandiano
- Gloria and Harry Lerner
- Tara Green-Rainerman and Michael Rainerman
- Shana and Oscar Suris
Corporate Partners
- Advantage Wholesale Supply
- Design Smart USA – Project Design & Oversight
- Grainda Builders – Builder
- Laxer Long & Savage
- OrthoCarolina
- Hearst Foundation
- Solid Care Foundation
Friends ~ $1,800+
- Hasnaa Abitol
- Dru and Rick Abrams
- Sue and Ben Aizenman
- Corine and Dr. William Bockenek
- Meredith and Michael Baumstein
- Bonnie and David Bornstein
- Susan and Michael Blackman
- Jeff Dana Ditesheim
- Randy and Dr. Gary DeFilipp
- Debbie and Mark Freedman
- Andrea and David Gamlin
- Camille & Robert Kanofsky
- Perla and Leon Klass
- Lorrie and Barry Klemons
- Abby, Emily and Molly Kosofsky
- Dr. Judy and Dr. Eric Laxer
- Don and Amy Mullen
- Risa and David Miller
- Gale Osborne
- Sue and Neil Schreiber
- Alison and Stephen Schlussel
- Stacey and Roni Sharoni
- Sandi and Glen Snider
- Eva Stark
- Patricia and David Stern
- Nancy and David Strunk
- Denise and Alan Sussman
- Jeannette Strunk
- Bonnie Wilson
Founders – $180,000+
- Dr. Bobby and Stacey Selkin – Center Dedication
- Eric and Lori Sklut – Friendship Loft Dedication
Builders – $50,000+
- Janice and Dave Cantor
- Aleen and David Epstein
- Caren and Charlie Gale
- Hearst Foundation
- Susan and Eric Lerner
- The Leon Levine Foundation
- Gwen and Andrew Lindner
- Dena and Michael Raffler
- Leslie and Ed Rusgo
- Foundation for the Carolinas Longleaf Fund
Visionaries – $25,000+
- Channa and Yaakov Foster
- Stacy and Todd Gorelick
- Elise and Jaime Kosofsky
- Richard Osborne
- Benjamin Schwartz
- Fred O.B.M. and Lisa Shporer
Corporate Partners
- Advantage Wholesale Supply
- Design Smart USA – Project Design & Oversight
- Grainda Builders – Builder
- Laxer Long & Savage
- OrthoCarolina
- Hearst Foundation
- Solid Care Foundation
Patrons – $10,000+
- Bella and David Adler
- Bleema and William Bershad
- Lynn and Paul Edelstein
- Ellen and Steve Engelhardt
- Layim and Jeswant Gill
- Sherri and Stuart Goldstein
- Holly and Hal Levinson
- Adina and Josh Loewensteiner
- Adriana den Blanken and Mitch Marcus
- Meromim Foundation
- Morris B. Squire Foundation
- Lauren and Tzvi Nussbaum
- Arturo Obando
- Geoff Wexler
- Lauren and Frank Wiseman
Supporters – $5,000+
- Gloria and Harry Lerner
- Tara Green-Rainerman and Michael Rainerman
- Shana and Oscar Suris
Friends – $1,000+
- Hasnaa Abitol
- Dru and Rick Abrams
- Sue and Ben Aizenman
- Corine and Dr. William Bockenek
- Meredith and Michael Baumstein
- Bonnie and David Bornstein
- Susan and Michael Blackman
- Randy and Dr. Gary DeFilipp
- Debbie and Mark Freedman
- Andrea and David Gamlin
- Perla and Leon Klass
- Lorrie and Barry Klemons
- Abby, Emily and Molly Kosofsky
- Dr. Judy and Dr. Eric Laxer
- Risa and David Miller
- Gale Osborne
- Sue and Neil Schreiber
- Alison and Stephen Schlussel
- Stacey and Roni Sharoni
- Sandi and Glen Snider
- Eva Stark
- Patricia and David Stern
- Nancy and David Strunk
- Denise and Alan Sussman
- Jeannette Strunk
- Bonnie Wilson
To make a general donation to the Building Fund click the “Become a Partner” button below. If you would like to make a specific dedication please be in touch.