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Bowling Bash

January 26 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Join us at Sports Connection Ballantyne for an afternoon of bowling fun. All are welcome, no prior bowling experience necessary. Bonus: best score of the day wins a prize! Important info:

  • All friends must wear their purple Friendship Circle shirt. Please let us know below if you need one.
  • Also, please make sure your child is wearing SOCKS to wear with their bowling shoes and also knows their SHOE SIZE (you may tell it to a staff member at drop off if you’d prefer).
  • Please drop your children off directly at Sports Connection at 3:30 pm. Pickup will be promptly at 5:00. Please be on time.

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January 26
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:


Sports Connection – Ballantyne
11611 Ardrey Kell Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28277 United States
+ Google Map

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